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About Me

After graduating from college, I moved from Hong Kong to the United States. As I dealt with the emotional impact of the life transition, programming slowly became my outlet for creativity and problem-solving. I revisited lecture notes to study algorithms, which could shift my mind from negativity. Since then, I have learned a lot, from languages like Ruby and JavaScript to front-end technologies like ReactJS.

My first encounter with programming was the first coding assignment in the college, a task to build a ticket selling system for cinemas. It turned out the movie ticketing system was more complicated than I'd ever imagined. I spent days and nights sitting struggling with debugging, dealing with memory allocation, and infinite loops in code. The process was like a roller-coaster ride. I felt ecstatic when it passed some test cases, but soon it would fail in other cases. In the end, the program worked. I was so happy when the output was what I expected.

Soon I realized my passion for coding. I love it not only because of the sense of satisfaction from solving a challenge, but also the process of devising solutions and improving the program. As a software engineer, my goal is to develop large-scale applications and next-generation technologies.

I've sharpened my skills using the following technologies:

  • PostgreSQL
  • Ruby on Rails
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • MongoDB
  • Express.js
  • Node.js

Other than coding, I like studying physics and playing volleyball in my spare time. Thank you for reading through my story. I look forward to connecting with you!
